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All The President's Minutes - Minute 4 with Melissa Matheson

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All The President's Minutes is a podcast where conversations about movies, journalism, politics and history meet. Each show we use the seminal and increasingly prescient 1976 film All The President's Men as a portal, to engage with the themes and the warnings of the film resonating since its release. For minute four host, Blake Howard joins editor of youth website GOAT and veteran journalist working in Australia's largest news publications Melissa Matheson. Melissa and Blake discuss learning and using shorthand to take damned quick notes as a cadet, nostalgic for typewriters and note-books, and the kinship of the All the President's Men newsroom and the newsroom from The Wire Season Five.


Via Mumbrella

Nova Entertainment has appointed former mX Sydney editor Melissa Matheson as the editor of youth website Goat.

Matheson has spent a significant chunk of her career at News Corp, working across The Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph in addition to mX Sydney. She also spent a brief period at SBS as a senior editor.

Twitter: @Mel_Matheson