The Christmas Carol Advent Calendar™️: Blackadder’s Christmas Carol (1988)

24 days. 24 adaptations of A Christmas Carol. One hundred points to be scored. Which adaptations are blessed, and which ones get a “Bah, humbug?”

In which we pay tribute to the proud tradition of TV sitcom Christmas Carol episodes with one of the loosest riffs there could be.

Ethan Warren

A former editor for the online film journal Bright Wall/Dark Room since 2018. As of 2020, I’m working on my first book, The Cinema of Paul Thomas Anderson: American Apocrypha, under contract with Wallflower books. Ethan is a Boston Society of Film Critics member and a graduate of the master’s program in creative writing at the University of North Carolina Wilmington. Ethan lives on Boston's south shore with his wife, Caitlin, and their children.


Blackhat – Comparing the Theatrical and Director’s Cuts


The Christmas Carol Advent Calendar™️: Scrooged (1988)