Episode #32
“...hello, little hippie...”
with guest ethan warren
A billionaire land developer who’s technically Jewish but wants to be a Nazi…
A man who dreams of giving away his billions to build free housing for hippies, all while his properties act as money-laundering fronts for the arm of the vaaaaaaast conspiranoid body that’s a heroin cartel infecting the heart of that same hippie populace with a soul-breaking heroin addiction (and dentures).
The man who treats his ladies as trophies and painted neckties, dragging them into dark Beverly Hills bars to share with his fellow elites, yet seems to be genuinely haunted by the absence of one Shasta Fay Hepworth…
Just who the fuck is Mickey Wolfmann? What is the mystery that surrounds him? Is there even any mystery at all?
About the Guest
Ethan Warren is a multi-hyphenate writer whose works include the 2018 independent feature film WEST OF HER and the plays WHY ARE YOU NOWHERE? and FAST YOUNG BEAUTIFUL. Under contract with Columbia University Press, he is currently working on his first book, THE CINEMA OF PAUL THOMAS ANDERSON. he is a senior editor for BRIGHT WALL/DARK ROOM. He lives on the south shore of Boston with his wife, Caitlin, and their children.