The Decade Project is an ongoing One Heat Minute Productions Patreon exclusive podcast looking back at the films released ten years ago to reflect on what continues to resonate and what’s ripe for rediscovery. The first year being released on the main podcast feed is the films of 2013. To hear a fantastic chorus of guests and I unpack the films of 2014 in 2024, subscribe to our Patreon here for as little as $1 a month.
In this exceptional episode, writer and pop culture chronicler Lindsey Romain and I discuss our growing empathy for the women (and not the AI) watching Spike Jonze's Her.
Lindsey Romain is a contributing writer for INSIDER, a former news reporter for Teen Vogue, and currently writes for a number of outlets, including Vulture, Thrillist, Refinery29, and Nerdist.