
Blake Howard Blake Howard

SPIT w/David Wenham and Jonathan Teplitzky

To celebrate the release of SPIT, a new Australian crime comedy, I talked with star David Wenham and director Jonathan Teplitzky about the first time they read GETTIN' SQUARE, their attraction to the familiarity of the character, de ja vu making SPIT, and a cheeky PUBLIC ENEMIES story for good measure.

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Christopher Kevranian Christopher Kevranian

Blackhat – Comparing the Theatrical and Director’s Cuts

Blackhat was released on January 15, 2015 (123 minutes) – the Theatrical Cut. This cut of the film had a last minute, last-minute restructuring of the original timeline of the film. Information on why these changes were made and the various versions of the films released over the years can be found here. The Director’s Cut (122 minutes) premiered at a special screening in February 2016, had a limited broadcast run in 2017, and will be released on home video for the first time on November 28, 2023. This is Mann’s preferred version of the film and restores the structure to its original chronology along with other changes.

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